Welcome to the

Lazonby Parish Council Website



The next scheduled Parish Council meeting

will be on

Wednesday 5th February 2025, at 7.30 pm,

in the Jubilee Room at the Village Hall.



The agenda will be published on the Website, and put on the Parish notice boards,

on Friday 31st January 2025.







  • Footpath 1
  • Footpath 2
  • Footpath 4
  • Footpath

Lazonby Parish Council would like to thank all parishioners and local business that have kindly donated to the Footway project.




Lazonby Parish Council would like to inform you that contacting the Parish Clerk by using the contact us page on their website, or emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or carrying out work on behalf of Lazonby Parish Council may result in you leaving personal information. Your personal data will be kept in compliance with the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Lazonby Parish Council will not pass your personal data to any other individual or organisation. It should be noted under the Financial Regulations & Governance which Lazonby Parish Council are bound by, that some personal information is required to be minuted and available in the public domain. If you are concerned with any interaction with the Lazonby Parish Council, with regard to your personal details, please contact the Clerk.   Please see the Council’s Data Protection Policy and Privacy Notice on the Parish Council website.


The following slide show images are photographs of Lazonby Parish.

  • Footpath 5
    Footpath 5
  • St Nicholas Church
    St Nicholas Church
  • Lazonby Village Hall
    Lazonby Village Hall
  • Croglin Toys
    Croglin Toys
  • Lazonby Swimming Pool
    Lazonby Swimming Pool
  • Lazonby School
    Lazonby School
  • Will Pond
    Will Pond
  • Lazonby Fire Station
    Lazonby Fire Station
  • Lazonby Train Station
    Lazonby Train Station
  • Footpath
  • Lazonby Eden Bridge
    Lazonby Eden Bridge
  • Aerial View of Lazonby
    Aerial View of Lazonby

The Parish of Lazonby lies 7 miles North-East of Penrith, and 15 miles away from the city of Carlisle.  The Parish is approximately 5 miles long and 3 miles wide, with the River Eden running along the North-East side, and the A6 running along the South-West side of the Parish.   The Scottish Borders are 28 miles North of Lazonby.

The total population of the ward of Lazonby is 976 (2011 UK Census).  Lazonby Village is the largest settlement.  The Parish of Lazonby has approximatley 500 households.

The village has excellent amenities and services for the community - a Primary School, a Church, two Public Houses, a retained Fire Station, a Lakes & Dales Co-op with a Post Office, a Railway Station on the Settle to Carlisle line, a well equipped Community Playground, a Swimming Pool and Campsite, picnic areas, Will Pool natural pond, several well-known local businesses and a Village Hall with Snooker Club. 

The Parish Council has worked for the local community for over a hundred years with records going back to the 19th Century.  Parish Councils were formed in England after the Local Government Act 1894 was reformed so that Parish Councils, made up of local volunteer parishioners, could oversee civic duties in rural communities.  Today Lazonby Parish Council continues to be the voice for the community and made up of ten dedicated Parish Councillors who give their time on a voluntary basis, supported by a Clerk to the Parish Council and Treasurer to the Parish Council.